The male fragility

Male fragility is not actually a myth. It is in fact a taboo subject something to be hidden, if possible. But male fragility really does exist and comes from what psychologists call “role loss”. The questioning of gender roles since the 70s has challenged many certainties, altering ancient balances which somehow held the couple together. "From this 'shake-up' men came out weaker. Female liberation would seem to have brought to light, especially within a relationship, a dependency and weakness in men that had previously been hidden." In turn, this role loss has generated confusion and stress, that men must hide for it not to affect their social success and further undermine their own role. The result is a stream of physical, psychological and psychosomatic disorders that can threaten, above all, the sexual sphere.
But for men, silencing or hiding their weakness is never a solution, especially when it comes to sexuality. By talking about his problems with his partners and with the doctor, they do not show weakness, but rather their strength. This way, they can help ourselves to identify what is wrong and then to cure it.

Premature ejaculation, delayed ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, loss of libido, excess of desire: the list of sexual disorders that can affect a man is long. And very often, the common factor is hormonal. Male sexuality is heavily influenced by testosterone, a hormone produced from birth in both sexes, which in the adult male reaches levels of up to 20 times higher than at birth. Testosterone "synchronises" desire with the sexual act itself, regulating the beginning and end of an erection. Testosterone is therefore at the "centre" of masculinity, but its levels are not stable or consistent. The reduction or absence of sex reduces the amount of testosterone produced by the testicles, while the revival of sexual activity brings it back to normal levels. For this reason, the best cure for loss of libido is really to just start making love again.

Difficulty in making love is not a disease in itself, but rather a symptom of one or a number of different problems. The act of lovemaking requires nerves that carry sensory signals to the brain allowing orders to be carried out, arteries that allow blood to flow to the penis and veins that prevent it from flowing out, plus a balanced hormonal system. Any of these parts can become defective. Just as with a car, it is necessary to identify the fault.



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Prof. Jacques Buvat

Prof. Jacques Buvat Director of the Centre d’Etude et de Traitement de ...
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Dr. Ian Eardley

Dr. Ian Eardley Consultant urologist in St James’s Hospital in Lee ...
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Prof. Dimitrios Hatzichristou

Prof. Dimitrios Hatzichristou Professor of Urology and Director of the Unit for ...
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Prof. François Giuliano

Prof. François Giuliano Urologist, Department of Physical Medicine and Reh ...
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Prof. Alessandra Graziottin

Prof. Alessandra Graziottin Currently Director of the Centre of Gynecology and ...
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Prof. Emmanuele Jannini

Prof. Emmanuele Jannini Professor of Endocrinology and Sexology at Univers ...
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Prof. Chris McMahon

Prof. Chris McMahon He is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Hea ...
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Prof. Vincenzo Mirone

Prof. Vincenzo Mirone Professor of Urology, Director of the Postgraduate ...
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Prof. Ignacio Moncada

Prof. Ignacio Moncada Head of Urology at La Zarzuela Hospital, Madrid an ...
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Prof. Francesco Montorsi

Prof. Francesco Montorsi Professor of Urology at the University Vita Salute ...
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Prof. Hartmut Porst

Prof. Hartmut Porst Associate Professor of Urology at the University o ...
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